Conference Members join together to share Christmas Spirit with Housing Residents

Members of the Nepean Region came together to organise a fabulous a Christmas lunch and party for the residents of St Vincent de Paul Society Social and Affordable Housing (managed by Amelie Housing) in Penrith.

The joyful event on Sunday 18th December was the result of cooperative effort of members from several different Conferences led by Leon Ross, Nepean Regional Council president, and Karen Ryan the Tailored Support Coordinator for the Housing units. The delicious food and drink, chairs, music, games, were supplied by the Conferences, the Housing company, and residents. This collaboration was a great success and one they hope to repeat for future events.

Karen Ryan arranged for Christmas gifts for the children through Vinnies Support services and Anthony Ruzgas of Penrith Conference played Santa Claus handing out the gifts to the children. As expected, Santa was a big hit!

The residents shared lunch together and mingled with Conference members, while the children played. Georg Eberl from Emerton Conference brought his famous home-made chocolates, which were enjoyed by all. Several residents shared that it was a great day and they appreciated the chance to have such a great event to look forward to, to meet some of their neighbours and to get to know some of the Vinnies members.  

“It was a fun afternoon, made possible by excellent work by many people. And I thank them for their generosity. We enjoyed sharing the Christmas spirit with the residents,” Leon said. 

“The tenants are amazed that we hold things like the Christmas Party and those who did not attend, after hearing how good it was, have already asked me if it will be on again this year as they will not miss it and asked if there was something planned for Easter,” Karen Ryan said. 

“Having the Conferences involved and attend made tenants feel important and the day special,” Karen added. She heard many comments such as, “I can’t believe they gave their time to spend with us”; “This was the best day this year” and “I didn’t realise that Vinnies did this!”. 

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