From the National President: Congress 2023+ Workbook 3

National Council Members
State and Territory Councils and Council Presidents
Congress 2023+ Delegates
Participants in Congress 2023+ Listening Forums
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Society CEOs


Dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters,

Please find enclosed a copy of Workbook 3, the final instalment of the Congress 2023+ Workbook series. This workbook has been created in a way that hopefully bridges the information gap between those who were present at Congress, and the broader Congress membership.

There are reflective questions, links to further information, and as always, an invitation for Conference members and Councils to share their own insights and feedback with the Congress team.

As we move into the implementation stage of the Congress Framework, the National Council Secretariate remains available to support all Conferences, Councils, and Membership Networks with accessing the most up to date ideas, resources, and feedback. Please email with any requests.

As part of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Australia, we have much to share and so much yet to do, and this Workbook Three is both a milestone for our revitalisation journey and a valuable stepping stone into the future. This Workbook, to be used alongside Workbook 1 and Workbook 2, is offered as a resource to further local level discussion.

Please share this Workbook within the Society. It can also be accessed via


Kind regards
Mark Gaetani | National President
St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia

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