Migrant and Refugee Community of Practice supporting those working with migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum

Do you support migrants, refugees or people seeking asylum?

Are you looking to connect with others, share resources or build your knowledge and skills based on best practice?

We are forming a new ‘Community of Practice’ (CoP). It will be made up of members, volunteers and staff across NSW who are actively supporting migrants and refugees.

You don’t have to be an expert – that’s what the CoP is for – to bring together the specialist skills, knowledge and resources within the Society to support you in improving outcomes for the people we assist.

The Community of Practice (CoP) aims to:

  • connect members, volunteers and staff, to support, collaborate and share expertise
  • provide training and professional development to build the knowledge and skills of members and staff working with this cohort
  • share knowledge, resources and strategies for supporting migrants and refugees based on best practice
  • identify systemic issues and case studies to inform Vinnies’ advocacy and policy work.

The CoP will meet online, for 1 to 1.5 hours every 2 months (second Tuesday of the month) starting on 12 March 2024 @2pm.

You can find out more or express your interest in getting involved by submitting your interest or email merryn.howell@vinnies.nsw.gov.au.

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