Every day in Australia, people are affected by modern slavery. In fact, it is estimated that more than 41,000 people are exploited through coercion and threats and deprived of their freedom and the number is growing.
The Society is committed to tackling this issue and ensuring our supply chains don’t involve modern slavery. We are also working to raise awareness among our members, volunteers and employees who may come into contact with people experiencing modern slavery to ensure they know what to do.
Members, volunteers and employees from across the Society in NSW were invited to learn more about Modern Slavery from a panel comprising Jenny Stanger from the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network, Biba Honnet, Vinnies Services, and NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner's Advisory Panel member, and Michelle Chahine, Broken Bay Central Council President on Tuesday 20 August.
to hear from Jenny Stanger, learn what modern slavery looks like in Australia today. Jenny Stanger, Executive Manager from the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN), will be a guest speaker, along with Biba Honnet, Vinnies Services, and member of the NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner's Advisory Panel, and Michelle Chahine, St Vincent de Paul NSW Board member and Broken Bay Central Council President.
The session launched the Society’s latest Modern Slavery Statement.
If you would like to learn more, you are invited to complete a Modern Slavery 101 online course developed by the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network. You are also invited to complete this Modern Slavery awareness survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MSAwareness_VinniesNSW
Modern Slavery in Australia: Society takes a Stand
Modern slavery affects over 41,000 people in Australia, with numbers growing. The Society is committed to combating this issue, ensuring our supply chains are free from exploitation. To raise awareness, a panel discussion was held on 20 August, featuring experts including Jenny Stanger from the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network, Biba Honnet from Vinnies Services, and Michelle Chahine, Broken Bay Central Council President. The session also launched the Society’s latest Modern Slavery Statement. Members, volunteers, and employees are encouraged to learn more through the "Modern Slavery 101" online course and participate in an awareness survey to help shape future initiatives. Together, we can be the difference.