St Vincent de Paul Housing (formerly Amelie Housing) residents at Merrylands enjoyed a wonderful gathering during the July school holidays this year. The BBQ lunch with activities for the children was hosted by Conference members and young adult volunteers. Membership and Youth team members worked collaboratively with Housing employees, enabling the success of the event.
Parents and carers enjoyed being able to participate with their children during the winter school break and appreciated the special activities provided. Residents of all ages welcomed the opportunity to socialise with their neighbours and members, volunteers and employees.
Adding to the enjoyment was a lovely sunny day and a fantastic BBQ with all the trimmings. The sausages were particularly popular.
These photos give a sense of the fun, joy and community engagement that was present on the day.
This is one of several events that have been held at the Merrylands site in the past couple of years with Conference members from throughout the Cumberland region working with Earnest Henry, Member and Community Engagement Coordinator for Greater Western Sydney. Housing colleagues distribute flyers and display posters to enable all the residents to know about the event and go out of their way to encourage people to come along.
Thanks to everyone involved including St Vincent de Paul Housing employees, Alysha Wong-O'Connor, Metro Youth Engagement Officer who recruited the young adult members and volunteers, the Conference members and volunteers, Earnest Henry, and of course the residents young and old who joined in with the festivities.