Operation Backpack

On 31 January, members from the Frassati Young Adult Conference gathered to organise and pack donated stationery items into backpacks for local students in need. The high-quality items were donated by the shoppers of the local shopping centre Lismore Square as part of their annual Operation Backpack, and local CWA volunteers.  

The items donated included backpacks contained notebooks, mathematical instrument sets, scrapbooks, folders, writing pads, coloured pencils, lead pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, rulers, crayons, texta pens, coloured pens, drink bottles, lunch boxes, pencil cases, lego, and tote bags.  

The Frassati members were amazed at the high quality and beautiful items donated, especially the attractive backpacks and pencil cases.  

In total, 43 beautiful backpacks were filled to the brim, and were very gratefully received by five schools who had indicated the number of students in need. 

-Rosetta Leo

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