Providing Assistance

With the rising cost-of-living pressures, rental assistance has increased dramatically as a form of support offered by Conferences to the people we assist. To assist them better, an Information Guide has been compiled with required information about rental assistance schemes provided by the Federal and NSW State Governments.

This Information Guide’s primary objective is to provide a checklist and outline rental assistance options for individuals seeking rental assistance at Conferences. The document aids our members in referring people we assist to the appropriate scheme, effectively assisting the client in meeting their needs, while also conserving the Society’s limited resources for allocation to other areas of need.

When people we assist require rental assistance, please refer to this checklist and information in the guide to identify the most suitable option. Given that many of these options offer short to medium term rental support, you might find that these options are the most effective actions instead of directly supporting their rent payments. Importantly, consider the first option of advocating for a sustainable payment option for the clients. This will ensure Vinnies is supporting the clients in need of assistance in the most sustainable manner possible.

Information Guide – Rental Assistance

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