The Society’s Mission and Spirituality team have developed a suite of resources to help members reflect on the Uluru Statement.

In his first Boyer Lecture series in October, Noel Pearson made an impassioned call for Australians to adopt a First Nations Voice to Parliament in our Constitution. He contends that racism will diminish when we succeed with recognition, as recognition of First Nations peoples is the pathway to justice, unity and inclusion.
Rather than repudiating our colonial past, Pearson argues that recognition will enable us to, “…acknowledge three stories: the Ancient Indigenous Heritage which is Australia’s foundation, the British Institutions built upon it, and the adorning Gift of Multicultural Migration.”
The federal government has recently said it will hold a referendum on establishing a First Nations Voice to Parliament sometime in 2023-24, with some predictions that the vote could be as soon as October next year.
Understanding the Uluru Statement’s core asks of Voice, Treaty, Truth and the reasons why First Nations peoples are calling for us to walk with them towards a better future is becoming more urgent as the coming referendum draws closer.
They include:
- Uluru Statement from the Heart explainer
- FAQs about the Uluru Statement and First Nations Voice
- Joining the Struggle for Recognition
- Why the Society supports the Uluru Statement
Our Mission and Spirituality team have recently developed a Vincentian Reflection on the Uluru Statement that will be available online soon.
If you would like hardcopies of any of these resources, please contact us at:
We encourage you to read these resources, share them within your Conferences, and discuss what the Uluru Statement and recognition means for our First Nations brothers and sisters, and for us all.
As Pearson concludes, the culmination of the mutual recognition of our three stories will make us all one: Australians.

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