Safety updates from our Safety & Emergency Management team

Support in December 

The Safety and Emergency Management team encourage you to take a moment, to check in with yourself and reach out for support if you’re not feeling quite yourself. Our Converge Volunteer Support Program (EAP) is available for all staff and their immediate families, our members and our volunteers. Psychologists are available over the phone or face to face to offer guidance on personal or work-related challenges. You can access support by calling 1300 687 327.

WHS Hazard Reporting

It’s important to identify and fix hazards before incidents occur. All volunteers must take reasonable care of themselves and others and cooperate with action taken to protect health and safety for all. Volunteer Managers must do whatever is reasonably practical to make the workplace and the volunteering activities safe.

WHS Hazards come in all shapes and sizes: it might be a spill on the floor that doesn’t result in a slip and fall injury but could have. It might be an obstacle that hasn’t caused immediate harm but could if left unattended. It might be a broken rail or a large tree branch that has fallen. If you think it is potentially dangerous then it probably is – and you should do something about it.

We encourage everyone to report all WHS hazards to your Volunteer Manager or online via the WHS hazard reporting form.

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