In a world marked by complexity and rapid change, there are people who quietly become figures of hope - steady, reliable, and tirelessly generous of spirit. Peter Reynolds is one such person.
For over fifteen years, Peter has served as a member of St Patrick’s Conference Sussex Inlet.
In October, Anne Hayward, President of St Patrick’s Conference Sussex Inlet, presented Peter with a Certificate of Appreciation, recognising his dedication to the community he has long served, and marking the end of a chapter, as health challenges now draw Peter’s service to a close.
Peter began his journey with the Society as young man, when at sixteen years of age, he accompanied his father on making home visits to people in need of connection and a hand up.
From these early days, Peter recalls bearing witness to the quiet dignity and resilience of people doing it tough, and fondly remembers being served chrysanthemum tea in the home of a thankful client. It was a small gesture, but one that stayed with him.
When Peter moved to Sussex Inlet in 2009, he became an active member of St Patrick’s Conference. Though the Conference closed in 2013, Peter was one of the first members to step forward and recommit when it reformed in 2019. Peter has been a trusted and friendly face in the community, visiting those who struggle, lending an ear, offering comfort, and providing practical support.
Anne Hayward and St Patrick’s Conference Treasurer, Sandra Chiles, wished especially to thank Peter for his unselfish devotion to helping others.
As Peter resigns from service and now faces his own challenges, we pause to reflect on his impact, which is woven into the hearts of the people to whom he gave his time and presence, and from whom, in turn, he received much joy and confirmation.