Imagine an Australia where people have affordable and healthy housing that feels like home. Where everyone can live safely within their own homes and be treated with respect in their relationships. Or where everyone can access the daily essentials they need - like nutritious food and affordable energy.
These are just some of the aspirations set out in the Society in NSW’s new Social Justice Statements. You can find them now on website. The Statements, approved by the NSW State Council, outline the Society’s social policy positions. They were developed by the Policy and Advocacy Team in collaboration with the NSW Social Justice Committee following consultation with staff, services and the sector.
Altogether, the Social Justice Statements set out the Society in NSW’s recommendations in eight priority areas:
Rental insecurity
Cost-of-living and poverty
Domestic and Family Violence
Drug and Alcohol Harm
Climate Justice
Security for people on Temporary Protection Visas
A First Nations Social Justice Statement is currently under consultation and development.
So, how can you help to promote our recommendations to create a more just and compassionate society?
We encourage all members, volunteers and employees to read and promote these Statements.
In particular, you can help by advocating for the recommendations set out in the Statements with your local MP or local council member and discuss the key issue/s that your region, suburb or community faces.
NSW statements: https://www.vinnies.org.au/nsw/advocacy/social-justice-statements.
National Council’s statements: https://www.vinnies.org.au/advocacy.
Contact social.justice@vinnies.org.au for more information.