Updated Policies - 6.6.2024

Updated Policies 

Policy review is ongoing across the Society to ensure best practice in how we do our crucially important good works for people we assist.   

In the previous Vincentian newsletter, we indicated that you may have noticed that rescinded policies have been removed from the MAVs website, others have been updated, and some have been replaced.  

Policy review is an ongoing process, so please keep an eye on the MAVs website for updates throughout the year.   

We would like to note recent changes for the following policies and guidelines. These have been updated, reviewed or rescinded:  

  • Pandemic Policy & related COVID Protocols  

  • Replaced with the COVID-19 Safety Plan 

  • Information Security Policy 

  • Superseded by new IT Policies 

  • Acceptable use of Technology  

  • Updated 

  • Complaints & Feedback Policy   

  • Financial Donation & Refunds Policy   

  • Internal Grievance Policy and Lodgement Form   

  • Respectful Workplace Policy   

  • Travel Policy 

  • Updated with new link for expense claims 

  • Volunteer Policy & Recruitment Flow Chart 

  • Updated 

If you have any questions, please contact Gina at gina.vizza@vinnies.org.au

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