Vinnies Wyong VSC Volunteer Spotlight - Sue Donoghue

For the past 6+ years Sue Donoghue has been volunteering at the Wyong Vinnies Support Centre (VSC) in her various roles including hamper room volunteer and admin assistant.


Sue has a strong educational background, having worked in a special-needs school for an extended period based in the local area.

Sue brings a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience, which she applies to her volunteer work at Wyong VSC.

Sue also brings her enthusiasm and her “give it a go” approach. This is appreciated & supported by myself and the team of volunteers and members throughout the Wyong VSC, retail, and warehouse sectors.

In the 6+ years Sue has been with Vinnies Wyong & with consultation with myself (VSCC, Wyong) & 4 x Conference presidents the following external connections & internal projects have been initiated.

  • Faze out using plastic bags for the food hampers at Wyong VSC & introduce cardboard boxes or educate the clients in bringing there own bags.
  • Recycling ♻️ all cardboard boxes Wyong VSC receives through deliveries from businesses like Foodbank NSW and COS & either 1. Reuse as food hampers for conference visits/appointments 2. Take the smaller size boxes to various local pre-schools, which the kids use to build, paint, and decorate into anything from houses, robots, or cars. 3. Use for fruit/vegetables for clients.
  • Making multiple connections with local pre-schools within the Wyong Region & providing them with small size boxes the kids can use for art/craft activities. 
  • Connecting with local external organisations “Community Connections “ which is a volunteer-based organisation that provides services free of charge including sewing and creating various items for clients in need of curtains,  bags, or repairing torn clothing.
  • Connecting with various local aged care centres and providing a variety of items, including books, puzzles & games (provided from retail). The residents receive these items as a way of keeping them engaged with each other. 
  • Find homes for any item donated to Wyong Vinnies through either welfare or retail,  including the material we give to community connections to create curtains, etc, for the clients or reusable bags to put the food assistance in, which the client can bring back for their next appointment.
  • Assists me (Wyong VSCC)& 4x Conference presidents with a clear, smooth process with the Winter & Christmas Appeals. 
  • Ensures our weekly Foodbank delivery is requested which we receive each Wednesday morning consisting of pantry food items for hampers, homeless appropriate food/toiletry products for the homeless shelf, frozen items for fridge &/or freezer for our frozen parcels, a selection of free bread, fruit/vegetables for the clients each week,& a variety of toiletry products for the hygiene packs provided to the clients in need. 

Sue is an asset to St Vincent de Paul Society NSW & I’m truly very grateful & appreciative that Sue choose Wyong VSC to volunteer & continue volunteer at Wyong VSC 2 days a week. 

Her enthusiasm & her positive approach to any task is welcomed and encouraged.

I feel we all need a Sue at our Vinnie Support Centres.

This article was written by Bradley Dingle

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