Your voice can help shape Vinnies’ future online shopping experience! (1)

Vinnies, a leading name in second-hand goods, is gearing up to transform the online thrift shopping experience. Spearheaded by Sam Sida from the marketing team, and we are seeking your valuable insights to make it happen.

In just a few minutes, you can contribute to a survey focusing on key aspects like product variety, pricing, concerns, and shipping. Your input will directly influence the development of Vinnies’ eCommerce platform, making it more user-friendly and enjoyable for everyone.

Join the movement to redefine online thrift shopping by taking the survey now. Your voice matters in shaping the future of sustainable and accessible shopping.

Second Hand Online Shopping Survey

Your input and expertise are greatly appreciated.

It’s a great opportunity to hear the voice of our people regarding this important new development and draw on their expertise with the second hand world.

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