Contact Us

We’re here to help you. For assistance or to find out about or access our support services, contact us.
Mavs Website
The MAVS Website is the Hub for all things Members and Volunteers - Need assistance with the MAVS website? Reach out to the MAVS Admin team for any questions or concerns
The St Vincent de Paul Society only exists through the action of our members. When you become a member, you are joining with over 45,000 members and volunteers across Australia who provide support through over 200 programs and services.
Volunteering with Vinnies is a rich and rewarding experience. By donating your time to help deliver our services and projects, you can be sure you’re making a difference in people’s lives.
Services Volunteer:
Retail Volunteer:
Vinnies Assist
Vinnies Assist can be reached on 13 18 12 and aims to put people seeking assistance from the Society in contact with the right people and services. It is a central contact point with a no-wrong-door policy. It operates between 8:30am and 4:30pm on weekdays.
Call: 13 18 12