Conference Resources

Conference Resources

The St Vincent de Paul Society members are passionate about helping people in need. By working in groups within their local community, known as conferences, our members provide support to individuals and families by visiting them in their homes or in the community.

Last Updated: 15 January 2024

Each day across Australia, Members of the St Vincent de Paul Society visit people in their homes, providing support, assistance, and companionship to people in need. This allows the Society to provide holistic support and to walk alongside the people they assist during what is for many, the most difficult time of their lives. Members provide a range of material and financial support such as food or food vouchers, clothing, furniture, assistance with utility and phone bills, costs associated with getting back into the workforce and back to school costs. Members can help people to budget more effectively, they make referrals to other services and they undertake critical advocacy work

Members, come from diverse backgrounds, experiences and beliefs, and bring a great depth of understanding, expertise and compassion to their service. They are an integral part of the communities in which they live and work.

The Rule
The Rule is the governing document of the St Vincent de Paul Society internationally and is written for members and volunteers.

Member Engagement with Amelie Housing Tenants
Is a new initiative that invites Vinnies members to make a difference in the lives of people from our Amelie Housing community.

For more detail click here:  Member Engagement with Amelie Housing Tenants

Central Councils

Information related specifically to each of the ten Central Councils in NSW can be found by clicking on the link below.


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