Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts at Vinnies

Things you should know

Enter Account Codes for Finance

Our Chart of accounts consists of Four segments with the full account string required by finance for processing is as follows


Definitions for  each segment is as follows:​

  • First and Second Segment XX-XXX – This is your Cost Centre Code.
  • Third Segment XXX – This is the program code and is currently set as a default 000.

( NB We are currently working on setting the framework and guidelines on the best use of this code)

  • Fourth Segment XXXX – This is your account code that determines where your income and expenditure is coded to.
Example:  Internal Audit sends an invoice for printing and stationery to accounts payable for processing.
Coding for this invoice will be as follows 00-124-000-3560

Click here for the NSW Chart of Accounts

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