Inclusion & Reconciliation
Last Updated: 14 January 2024

Our vision for reconciliation is for a just and equitable society. A society characterised by strong and meaningful relationships between the First Peoples of Australia and non-Indigenous Australians. A society in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures, histories, knowledges and connections to country are valued and celebrated.
We seek a future in which all people from all walks of life, no longer experience discrimination or poorer health, social, and economic outcomes. Walking alongside our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters we will continue to offer a hand up to people experiencing disadvantage and, together, we will shape more just and compassionate communities. We renew the pledge we made in our first Reconciliation Action Plan, that we will deliver reconciliation actions aimed at improving social and economic outcomes to make a substantial difference in the lives of the people we engage, employ or assist.
We recognise that only by working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities can we begin to successfully address the causes and consequences of poverty and exclusion. We will therefore make every effort to ensure our workplaces, services, shops and community assistance through conferences are culturally safe places to work or engage with our services.
It is our ongoing aim to be reconciliation leaders in the non-government sector and to use our reputation and influence to advocate for stronger recognition and respect for the cultures, spirituality, resilience and special identity of the Traditional Custodians of this country. As we foster a spirit of trust and mutual appreciation throughout our organisation, we hope to see this approach ripple outwards through thousands of conversations across NSW as our members, volunteers and employees go about their daily work.