Gift Cards

Vinnies Gift Cards are a great way to provide anonymity and dignity for the people we assist by allowing them to choose their own items from our shops.

In March 2024, the Family Assistance Form that provides the people we assist with items from our retail stores was replaced by gift cards.

This means whenever you have a client that would benefit from items such as clothing, furniture and household items, they can be given a gift card, and the are free to select the items they need from any of our shops.

Gift cards come in denominations of $100, $50, $30 and $20, and can be purchased in packs of 50 by Conferences.

They can ordered from the supply centre using the new supply centre order form, and they will arrive inactive. The Conference or centre will need to confirm receipt of the cards, and the supply centre will then activate them.

Once activated they are ready to be given out. Conferences can determine the amount to be given out based on the retail pricing guide. If you are not sure how much your local shop charges for items, it's a good idea to get this information before handing any cards out.

Cards have a three-year expiry from the date of activation and you should write the expiry date on the back of the card when you hand it out.


Cards you give out can be entered into CAMS in the same way you record other forms of assistance and the CAMS system has been set up with a shortcut specifically for recording the process.

A new Supply Centre Order Form has been distributed across NSW and Conferences/Centres will order the cards through the Supply Centre:​

Maria Gordon House Supply Centre,​

Address: PO Box 5 Petersham NSW 2049​


Phone:    0468 578 590

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