Do you have clients who could benefit from a small loan to cover one-off expenses like car registration, whitegoods or work-related equipment? A NILS loan could be a great solution. A NILS loan is a safe way for clients to access up to $2000 without fees or any additional costs.

To enquire: Call 1800 484 664 or email us at
What is NILs?
NILs offers small interest free loans of up to $2000 for low income families and individuals across NSW.
How does it work?
The No Interest Loans (NILs) is for individuals and families on low incomes. We provide access to safe, fair and affordable lending, so clients can access the essential goods or services they need.
Clients can borrow up to $2000. Loans are generally repaid over a 12 month period (longer periods can be accessed if needed), and they only have to repay what they’ve borrowed – no extras.
It is worth considering a NILs loan first before seeking other expensive options for credit like a payday loan or rent to buy.
Enquire now to find out if a NILs loan is the right option.
What is a Good Shepherd Microloan?
Does my client qualify for a loan?
Applicants must:
- Have a Health Care Card or Pension Card, OR earn less than $57,000 per year after tax ($75,000 for couples or people with dependents)
- Have lived at their current or previous address for more than three months. However, there are some Exceptional circumstances including:
- Applicants in transitional housing;
- People experiencing family violence;
- Those is state/community housing transfer
- Applicants who have not had an address for an extended period
- Those struggling to obtain a proof of residency (e.g. remote areas)
- Be willing and able to repay the loan.
What can be purchased?
- Household items like fridges, washing machines, TVs and furniture
- Educational needs such as laptops, tablets, textbooks, course fees, uniforms and school excursions
- Car repairs, tyres, green slips and vehicle registration
- Medical and dental expenses
- Pet expenses, mobility devices/support, bikes, driving lessons and many more.
Loans cannot be used to pay rent, bills, fines or debts, or for living expenses such as groceries.
We reserve the right to determine suitability on a case-by-case basis.
How to apply?
Contact our Vinnies No Interest Loans team on 1800 484 664 or email
We will explain the application process to the client and ask for some documents to determine if they are eligible for a loan.
Once they have compiled all the required documents in the NILS Info Pack, email to
From there, clients will be invited to discuss their application in a follow-up interview via phone. Interviews usually take between 30 minutes to one hour.
Following the interview, loan applications are submitted for assessment and we will inform clients of the outcome, usually within 2 business days.
Please note that loans cannot be used for the following:
Food, utility bills, cash advances, fines or penalties, debt repayment/consolidation, vehicle purchase, second-hand electrical goods or baby furniture, lay-by, airfares, clothing (except uniforms) or the bundling of many small goods (e.g. kettles, toasters, blenders and sandwich press etc.)