Working with Amelie Housing

Is your Conference located near one of Amelie Housing's Social and Affordable Housing sites? If so, there are opportunities to work directly with residents of the sites to provide assistance and help them form a stronger community within their sites, as well as form connections with their local communities.

Amelie Housing is the Society's Social and Affordable Housing provider. Their mission is to provide a realistic solution to housing stress and the poverty that results from it.

Amelia Housing has sites in Metro and regional NSW in the following areas:

  • Dubbo
  • Albury
  • Penrith
  • Campbelltowm
  • Merrylands
  • Lilyfield
  • Burraneer (Cronulla)
  • Maitland
  • Jordan Springs (Penrith)
  • Katoomba, and 
  • Cardiff.

In 2021, Amelie Housing began conversations with local Conferences whose members were willing to become involved in a program to collaborate with Amelie Housing's Tailored Support staff to help residents develop a better sense of community through shared activities as well as providing assistance to residents.

Conferences working with residents generally provide the following services:

  • Organising small events like morning teas
  • Organising activities for children where appropriate supervision can be provided
  • Gardening
  • Cooking workshops, and
  • Making referrals to other agencies/Vinnies services

The program is administered by a Committee set up by Amelie Housing Board members who are also Conference members, and they are available to answer questions about becoming involved with the project.

Contact Kate Scholl for more details

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