Member & Volunteers System Update

Our new Member & Volunteer System (MAVS) is on track to launch in early 2024.

In alignment with our strategic goals to Excel, Grow and Cultivate, the aim of this project is to strengthen our member and volunteer experience. We hope this system will help to improve the member and volunteer onboarding process, extend the reach of our services and promote collaboration within our valued member and volunteer communities.

The new system will make it easier to browse role opportunities, locate key resources, complete requisite and optional training, and more. Some additional features include:

Ease of sign in: once registered, you will experience a secure and easy sign in to the system.

Self -Service Profile: you will be able to enter and update your own personal profile details and access/view learning activities.

Shift Management automation: depending upon your role within the Society, you may be able to view your shifts online, helping to manage your life and work schedule more efficiently.

Improved and refreshed website: our new MAVS webpage offers an updated look & feel and is easy to navigate.

In early 2024, a nominated MAVS User Group will begin using the new system.  The Project Training team will be conducting roadshows around NSW to showcase some of the system’s features to our wider community of Society members and volunteers.  Watch this space for more!

If you have any questions or require any additional information surrounding the new Member and Volunteer System, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Project Team at We are excited to be introducing this system to you and are here to support you through the transition phase.

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