Society Success Story

Margaret’s Story: Light, Love and Gratitude

By Yolanda Saiz, Chief Executive Officer

Yamma everyone,

Unless you are working at the frontline, you may not often hear of the personal stories of how we have impacted or changed someone’s life.

A story reached me recently that I would like to share with you all. Margaret’s story highlights the impact we can have when we work collaboratively across the organisation with the people we assist at the core of our thinking.

After a great career and amid caring responsibilities for a granddaughter, homelessness was the last thing Margaret expected.

“One’s self-esteem had hit rock bottom,” Margaret wrote in a handwritten letter to us. “Not being able to provide life’s basics for my 3-year-old granddaughter made one-self feel like a failure.”

The Society collaborated in the Illawarra region and beyond to come to Margaret’s assistance, including the Miller Street Conference members, the Illawarra Homelessness Coordination Service Hub – Coniston case workers, the Procurement team, and Amelie Housing.

It was a couple of everyday items which were a “true blessing” to Margaret, items which made hospitality, friendship and community connection more possible.

“My sincerest gratitude for being gifted an absolutely gorgeous chaise lounge and dining table with chairs,” Margaret wrote.

Previously, Margaret and her grandchildren would eat on a bed sheet across the floor, due to furniture shortages in the region.

Being assisted into housing was an enormous liberation for Margaret, it “kicked depression out the door to the curb” and the gifts of furniture “could now turn the house into our home”.

“You are truly amazing.”

“So much love and light for you,” Margaret wrote.

By working together, we can make a real difference in people’s lives. Each one of you contributes to the work we do in community. So, thank you for your ongoing commitment to the people we serve.

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