Volunteers as Leaders: Volunteer Ross McCarty leads Vinnies Digital Inclusion Project

Computer whiz extraordinaire and Matthew Talbot Hostel volunteer, Ross McCarty, recently led a digital inclusion project in collaboration with students from the University of Wollongong.

The project explored how to create opportunities for the people whom Vinnies assists to access free or subsided digital technology, internet connectivity and training, in order to participate more fully as digital citizens. Ross guided eighteen students in six project groups across a diverse range of disciplines. The students wrapped up their research in October and produced some excellent ideas and recommendations on how to keep the project rolling forward.

The project followed hard on the heels of Ross’s success in refurbishing computer equipment (pcs, monitors and printers) donated by the estate of the late Matthew Talbot Hostel volunteer, Greg Thompson. The refurbished equipment, including full instruction manuals developed by Ross, was subsequently distributed to the people we assist throughout NSW.

Ross’s commitment to serving the community also finds expression in his weekly volunteering in the clothing store at Matthew Talbot Hostel.

Thanks, Ross, for taking on the challenge of closing the gap between the digitally connected and those excluded because of poverty from full digital citizenry.

Mike Synnott, Volunteer Coordinator, Matthew Talbot Hostel

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