Our spirituality espouses the ministry of Jesus – radical inclusivity, restoration and accompaniment. We see in the life of Jesus the values we aspire to live today – commitment, compassion, respect, empathy, advocacy and courage. Our values are underpinned by concern for all people – especially for those who live on the margins of our community.

People with disability are part of the rich diversity of who we are in Australia and who we are at Vinnies. We know that people with disability continue to face barriers to full participation and inclusion in community life. We are all about breaking down these barriers inside our organisation and ensuring that people with disability can access our services and are welcomed with respect.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2021-25
A4 Flyer Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Action Plan Easy Read Flyer
Accessible website – Vinnies Disability and Inclusion division
Better Access Maps tool which provides detailed accessibility information about businesses and organisations