Safeguarding Behaviours

Safeguarding Behaviours for Members, Volunteers, and Employees

The table below sets out acceptable and unacceptable behaviours when working with children, young people & vulnerable adults. Any member, staff, or volunteer who does not follow these Safeguarding Behaviours may be temporarily or permanently removed from their role in the Society and any unlawful behaviour will be reported to the relevant authorities, including the Police.

Safeguarding Behaviours for Members, Volunteers, and Employees

Do Don't
Follow the Society’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy. Don’t be alone with a child, young person, or vulnerable adult. 
Treat all children, young people and vulnerable adults with respect and compassion. Don’t contact or spend time with a child or young person, outside of Society context. This includes face to face or using any form of phone, email, or social media.
Value their ideas and opinions. Don’t have any unnecessary physical contact with children,  young people or vulnerable adults, including kissing, cuddling, lap-sitting, tickling.
Treat them equally and without favouritism. Don’t do things of a personal nature for a child, young person or vulnerable adult that they could do for themselves including dressing or toileting.
Encourage their safety and participation. Don’t photograph or video children, young people or vulnerable adults engaged with the Society without the written consent of a parent or guardian. If you do have permission to take photos it must be using a Society mobile, camera, or video camera.
Set clear physical and emotional boundaries, and be consistent with behaviour that is appropriate to your role. Don’t use any computers, mobile phones, video, and digital cameras, or social media inappropriately or to control, exploit, abuse, or harass children, young people or vulnerable adults.
Take steps to protect children, young people, or vulnerable adults from harm or abuse. Never discipline or punish a child, young person or vulnerable adult using physical discipline, isolation, withholding food, water, or access to toileting, or say things that may emotionally harm them.
Tell the Society immediately if you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child,  young person, or vulnerable adult. This includes if you see, hear, or are told anything. If you think someone has breached the Safeguarding Policy, please contact the Safeguarding Team.  
Tell the Society immediately if you have any old or current charges or convictions related to child exploitation or abuse.  

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