The NSW Election, to be held on March 25, is fast approaching. This is the opportunity for Conference Members to raise our voice for housing justice – to remind the sitting members and candidates of our local electorates as well as the local community about the desperate circumstances a growing number of people we assist are facing.

The Vinnies Election Statement – Housing Justice: A home for everyone – identifies the issue of housing insecurity and homelessness as the key challenge facing low- and increasingly middle- income households this election.
Well over one third of renting households are in ‘rental stress’ – many facing large rent hikes and the prospect of being evicted. Over 57,000 households (125,000 people) are on the Social Housing waiting list and wait times often exceed 10 years. Half of all people seeking specialist homelessness services are being turned away.
Recommendations the Society is putting to candidates include legislated protections against excessive rent increases and removal of ‘no grounds’ evictions, investment in 5,000 new social housing homes each year for the next 10 years and additional funding for Specialist Homelessness Service to help meet the need.
This is a call to all Vincentians across New South Wales – Will your Conference members visit the sitting member and candidates of your local electorate to raise these critical issues? Your first-hand knowledge of need in your community is exceptional and the opportunity for Vinnies to forge or renew links with local politicians is important as this election approaches.
The Election Statement and all the resources you need can be found on the MAVS Social Justice page under ‘Social Justice Diary 2023 – NSW State Election 25/03/2023. If you plan to meet candidates, please let the Social Justice Team know via email at We can provide support and link you with other local advocates in your electorate.